Word Of Mouth Marketing adds value to Email Marketing

Posted in   Digital Marketing, Email Marketing, Email Marketing for Small Business, Growth Marketing, Strategy   on  March 27, 2017 by  Sudha Mani2

In this article, we will be discussing how an email has to be structured to become the word of mouth marketing by the initial recipient. Hence, you achieve your goals straight away.

The benefits of email marketing can somewhat result differently than expected. Most Internet marketers clearly understand the basic concept of email marketing. And that is to email promotional materials to a large group of Internet users to build up interest in your products or services. This concept is uncomplicated for the majority to understand. However, there are times that there are additional benefits to email marketing. I will discuss the basics of email marketing on this blog and explain how email marketing can sometimes do something much further than just achieving the desired plan. This extra reach can neither be positive nor negative, which depends on the quality of the emails and the reactions of the initial recipients.

Email marketing is not a difficult concept for many businesses which is also economical & effective than traditional snail mail. The general idea behind email marketing is that an email is sent to a particular email distribution list, and these emails are intended to stir an interest in the products or services offered by the email sender. In theory, this concept could not be more straightforward. However, email marketing can get significantly complicated.

One of the important factors which make email marketing  difficult is the risk for the emails used in the marketing campaign are perceived as spam by the email recipient or the spam filter provided by the Internet service provider. This potential alone creates a major complication because; Internet marketers have to make a significant effort to guarantee that their messages are not trapped by a spam filter or immediately deleted by the recipients for appearing to be spam.

Once the email messages have gone through to the recipient, they have a window of opportunity to make a positive impression on the beneficiaries and influence them, to make a purchase or visit the business owner’s website. Providing quality content, keeping advertising subtle and at a minimum and providing a clear call to action are all the needed factors, which can help to get the message across and captivate the attention of the prospective customers to buy the service or product or at least visit your website to know more about the products and services.

As I mentioned before, an email marketing campaign aims to convince the recipient to either buy or visit the website to know more about the product or service. When an email recipient performs either one of the intended actions, it is considered a huge success. However, if the email is forwarded to a potential client or customer by the recipient, the email campaign is successful.

The significant aspect of email marketing is that when the email recipients receive an email that they think is worthwhile to read, they tend to purchase and may also forward the information to a friend or a relative. They have the impression that they might be interested in this information as well. The means of forwarding email messages has become comparably satisfying to customers who are using word of mouth to complement the quality of the products or services they received.

On the other hand, forwarding a valuable email message is exponentially more useful than mere word of mouth to spread the information. If the original email recipient can forward the message to several of their friends, this may result in significant results than the business owner initially intended.

If you need more help with your email marketing or any digital marketing needs, we would be happy to help; please call us or visit this page.

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