17 tips you can use today to improve your Website SEO

Posted in   Search Engine Optimisation, SEO   on  July 24, 2018 by  Sudha Mani2

Let us look at 17 tips to improve your Website SEO score right now.   These tips will make a huge difference in how search engine optimisation (SEO) is working for you to get free organic traffic, convert more customers, and make more money.

1. Mobile Responsive Is Required – If your website is not mobile responsive, then you will not be able to rank your website. I still see many websites which are not mobile responsive. We know each, and every one of us has a smartphone. We browse and buy from the phone. Some phones and tablets have completely replaced a laptop in many instances. So, your site needs to work and look great no matter which device your customers are using. Google prioritises responsive sites over ones that aren’t.

2. Make your website content focused on the problem, issue or topic you are trying to solve or provide information on. Additionally, when you make the content search engine optimised then you ranking your site will be a lot easier. It will make it a lot easier to create an abundance of content for your site when your content is focused on a solution to a problem or issue. When you’re done posting the most laser-focused content, which could take years, you can work on broader content if you want to. However, the more focused your content, the more people and search engines will be attracted to it.

3. Understand which of your Keyword performs – It’s important to know if the keywords you are using perform the way you wanted. Remember your website content is for your target audience. Google Analytics is the best tool you could use to find out which keywords or performing well. And use keyword planner to plan the competitiveness of the keywords.

4. Get Inbound Links – This is one of the SEO strategies which still seems to work and google tight end but never made it redundant. Many in the past misused this extensively. Now, if you could get the inbound links from authorities, it is excellent for your SEO. Additionally, the links must be”do-follow” from authoritative websites. The general article marketing sites or most directories outside of the official ones are not good because Google doesn’t value them. Use ahrefs.com tools to find out the weight of the domain.

5. Use the right SEO software or plugin on your website – There are many software and languages you could use to create your site, if your website is designed with the use of WordPress then Yoast SEO is the best. Recently, I started using squirllySEO and all-in-one SEO plugins which have produced better results, and they are cost-effective. Using WordPress to create your website is best for SEO because WordPress is designed for blogger and it is Google friendly. The plugins mentioned above ensure that you’re doing everything you can to use ethical SEO practices on your site.

6. Improve Your Technology SEO– The technology SEO considers how fast your website loads if your images are compressed, how the plugins are working together, your web host server security and speed are essential elements can make a massive difference in SEO. These elements are considered by Google to rank and to get more traffic; so pay attention to these elements. You want your site to load fast, and you want everything to work without a hitch, so no one bounces off.

7. Keep Up with What’s New in SEO – Google being king of Search Engine; changes optimisation rules every few months. It is to enhance the user experience. If you keep up with the changes, you have more chance of leveraging it in your favour. The changes they are because Google’s job is to deliver excellent content to their users. To fulfil that, they do everything they can to eliminate websites they or their users view as spam or a waste of time.

8. Optimise Page Titles – Every page of your website should have a unique page title along with meta-description on what it is about. If you can have your main keyword in the page title, it is good for SEO. Do remember that keywords must not be over optimised that is counterproductive.

9. Make sure your website is Search Engine Crawlable – You can use a tool like RankSider.com or other similar tools to discover whether your website is crawlable or not. Some of these tools can tell you what to fix if necessary. If your robot.txt file is set up wrong or accidentally set up to block search engines, they’ll let you know. The robot.txt file is another bot which works in conjunction with sitemap.xml. You need both of these set upright.

10. Make URLs or permalinks Easy to Read and Understand – Try to reset the default permalinks to easily readable. Don’t use cumbersome website URLs for content that you want to be found. Instead, use straightforward URLs that aren’t too long. The right URLs will improve search rank as well as make them friendlier to your audience.

11. Get Local where Relevant – You cannot ignore this tip if you want to attract local clients to your website. The “near me” strategy is becoming popular, so it is good to use local search terms and descriptive words within categories, menus and URLs to make it clear to users and search engines.

12. Have clear Meta Descriptions – The meta descriptions have to be different for each page. In addition to meta descriptions, you also must add in the alt-tag description for all the images that you upload on your website.

13. Image Names – When you name an image for your site, don’t name it with a noun or verb instead of numbers or alphanumeric. An image with a name like “blue-butterfly-cover” is a lot better for search engines than giving it an arbitrary number.

14. Include a Sitemap – Sitemap is the essential element you should have on your website. The sitemap is one of a good bot which helps google crawlers when they visit your website. Yoast SEO is an SEO plugin which will help you create a sitemap. You should also create a sitemap for the mobile version. If Yoast plugin is not an option, then there are quite a few plugins which will help you create sitemaps. The sitemaps help google so all who are anything significant.

15. Know Your Competition – This is one of the tips you need to consider. It is also good for your business. It is best to know what keywords your competition are looking for along with, competitive keywords. One of the best software is iSpionage.com. You can go on iSpionage.com find out what words your competition are using so that you can get ideas for more keywords.

16. Avoid Duplicate Content Issues – One of the best ways to avoid the duplicate content issue is to use canonical link elements. The Duplicate Content is a no-no when it is within pages of your website. The canonical links tell the search engine which page is the main one. And to set up the page you don’t want to be searched as no-index.

17. Breadcrumbs help SEO – Breadcrumbs are links that enable a user to track their path on how they got to the page they are currently on from the home page of your website. They appear close to the top of your page and reflect the structure of your site. This is easy to set up on the self-hosted WordPress. The reason you want breadcrumbs helps the google bots to follow the path as users view.

The above tips can make much difference to your website SEO Strategy; for how your site shows up in search when your potential clients look for your service. The primary goal of the website is being found isn’t going to matter if your users can’t navigate and understand your site or cannot find the information they want to make.

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