Secure Your WordPress Site – 13 WordPress Security Tips

Posted in   Wordpress Website, Website Security   on  February 24, 2022 by  Sudha Mani62

Learn how to secure Your WordPress Site with 13 WordPress security tips to safeguard your site and your personal data with a security & maintenance checklist including one of the best WordPress security plugins recommendations.

Just like physical businesses, online businesses can lose revenue and reputation if their data is stolen from their websites. WordPress security vulnerabilities are crippling to your website security so pay close attention.  WordPress as CMS is great for any business in this fast pace world however, WordPress security issues are nightmares and business risks that need a robust mitigation plan.

  1. Install a WordPress Security Plugins and Firewall.

Website security plugins like WordFence have sophisticated algorithms to protect your website and detect any attacks depending on your setup. The magic is in setting up the right, so it works for you.  In my expert opinion, WordFence is one of the best WordPress security plugins out there.  They do have a free plan as well. I recommend you get their paid or premium plan. I am sure the plugin costs a lot less than the security system you may install if you had physical premises.


  1. Have a Website Maintenance plan and WordPress Security checklist.



  1. Look out for anomalies and keep an eye on any unusual changes


  1. Hosting Provider and Website Security



  1. Regular site audits


  1. Back up your website regularly.

Set it up on Google Drive or other cloud services. Not on the hosting server.



  1. Install themes and plugins that are popular, premium and updated regularly.



  1. Keep your security credentials secure

and revoke users from higher security clearance where appropriate.



  1. Use stronger passwords with a mix of characters, numbers and special characters. At the same time, enforce so that no one sets weak passwords.



  1. Limit login attempts so you can block hackers who are using BRUTE force to gain access to the backend.


  1. Install SSL certificates and enforce browsers to acknowledge.



  1. Setup 2-factor Authentication
  2. Disable File Editing or uploading


{"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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