7 Effective Ways to Reduce Website Bounce Rate or Keeping Visitors Longer

Posted in   search engine friendly website, Search Engine Optimised SEO, Wordpress Website   on  June 27, 2018 by  Sudha Mani19

In this blog, we will discuss 7 ways to reduce website bounce rate or keeping your visitors for longer. This one of the website ranking factors for Google or any search engines.  Along with 7 ways we will also look at 3 tools which you could use to diagnose your website or your blog for search engine effectiveness immediately.  When your visitors stay longer on your website your bounce rate of the website is reduced; which make your website search engine friendly website.

You may have heard this phrase repeatedly if your life, “What is inside matters”. Yes, it is true. Yes, it has other meanings, for this post let us keep it civil (LOL). However, if you don’t show what you are capable of, then no one will see it. You are the best storyteller of your story no one can tell your story better than you.

Your website is the same, if you cannot keep your visitors on your website longer then having a website is not feasible with regards to time, effort and cost. Yes, the website is a costly business. Having a website is having a house or a shop front it needs to be looked after, needs people visiting and staying there for a while to browse or have a chat.

As a website owner, it is your responsibility to make your visitors comfortable to stay longer on your website. When your visitors stay longer on your website, they get to know you better. Sometimes familiarity breeds love and loyalty.  There are many ways to reduce website bounce rate, however, for this blog’s purpose, we will limit to 7 strategies.

 7 practical ways to reduce website bounce rate or keep visitors to linger on your website

1. Have content which is useful and targeted to your visitors; I can’t stress this fact enough because if the visitors are satisfied on what they came for, then you have created a lifelong customer even if they are not buying anything on their first visit.

Many times I have seen website owner go for their comfort instead of their visitors and complain that people are not staying there for long. My question to them has always been, “Would you stay in a place if you are not welcomed or find comfortable?” Remember it is not about you, it is about how you make them (your visitors) feel.

2. Target all 4 individual learning modalities; Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic and Logical using your content.

3. Improve pleasant reading by setting accessibility tools such as increased font size if need be.

4. The minimalistic approach always works it saves time and effort. So keep your background simple and less cluttered which will make it pleasant to the eyes achieve pleasant reading experience.

5. The longer the post it is easier to keep them there; only when you make it interesting with your writing style; conversational works great and storytelling is the best. Use pictures, speak the content if you have to or feel comfortable.

6. Keep your website technically sound from the backend, have your plugins updated, CMS updated, and images optimised, so it is loading on your client machine easily and quickly. This strategy of maintaining the website is one of the essential for your website’s success.

7. Make it easy for search engines to crawl and rank your websites on the first page if not on the top of the first page. Achieve search engine friendliness by engaging good SEO principles such as right keywords your prospective clients are using, speed and security of your website, content length and its value. These elements increase the visibility of your website. Having a website with SEO is building a five-star hotel and keeping the doors shut.

Above are the 7 ways to reduce website bounce rate.  These strategies can be easily rectified and also you can increase expertise, authority and trust quotient (E.A.T. Google Algorithm).

3 Ways to Diagnose the Effectiveness of your website.

Now, let us look at a few ways to diagnose the effectiveness of your website. As the saying goes, if you know the issue or the problem then it is easier to find solutions. These tools which I am going to share will help you sort most of your technical issues.

1. For content analysis and article or post effectiveness best tool, I have found are

a. Squirrly

b. Yoast SEO 

c. Rankmath SEO

We have them on our websites and any client’s website we develop here in Avinash Business Consultants Ltd. Many digital marketers, SEO Gurus, use them religiously. Whenever you write an article or post, use these tools to guide you. Squirrly has keyword research tool we find it extremely useful. Free versions of these plugins do an adequate job for a startup website.  However, if I had to buy then Squirrly will be my choice at a fraction of Yoast SEO cost.

2. Audit your site for technical errors and competitor analysis, and please call us with your competitor website analysis.

3. To know your speed and security follow the link below and if you have any errors then call us to know we have tools to sort your speed issue.

You can implement the above strategies immediately if you have access to your website admin panel.  It is important to keep visitors on your website longer for Search Engine Optimisation – SEO.

We deliver SEO services for small businesses to get more clients and get organic traffic.   We also provide SEO coaching to you or your team which helps you to create search engine friendly content. Visit us here or call us.

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