My Productivity and Time Management Tips

Posted in   Achieve Ambitious Goals, Productivity   on  January 10, 2021 by  Sudha Mani76
In  this article, I am outlining my productivity and time management tips

As a consultant for 25 years or so, I have learnt a few tricks regarding productivity or my procrastinating mind.

Time is one commodity when lost, and you cannot get it back. However, many don’t value it.

At the same time, there is a misnomer that it may not be efficient when someone finishes something earlier, faster and quicker.  This thinking negates productivity.

When you cut wasting time, you can achieve productivity. So, how do you cut wasting time? Three ways I do that,

  1. Reduce your meetings
  2. Make a to-do list and prioritise
  3. Plan backwards.

Strategies, Tools and Techniques I use for productivity, time management and prioritisation to get things done

  1. MoSCoW Prioratisation model

I have used MoSCoW  (“Must have, Should have, Could have and Would have” ) model during my consultancy days. So, I follow this tool after I have made the to-do list.  For every to-do list item, I add the goal it would achieve and my priority for that particular item.

To-DoMoSCoWGoal Related (Track)Deadline
  1. Batching and blocking – I batch all the tasks in the group. I create a checklist for each group item what to look for and complete for each group. For example, a blog article has keyword research, the keyword for the report, feature images, internal links, external links and Call to Action.
  2. Daily planner blocks out all non-negotiable duties such as meditation, travel time, meeting prep time, meetings, marketing and writing.
  3. Marketing, Engagement Pool, Meeting prep and writing need my focus. So, I use the Pomodoro technique to complete the tasks.
  4. I mark tasks as ad-hoc: social media browsing, drawing, going to shops, folding clothes, cooking, baking and watching tv happens after 4 pm.
  5. Notion is the planning app I use now to plan my content. I used to use Trello and Google Docs. Notion is a versatile app. However, the learning curve is a bit steep.
  6. I create social media images the night before, and Sunday is the planning day. I outline the content every month. I have a content plan outline for all channels.
  7. Every year I choose three social media platforms to focus on to grow. This year (2021), the focus is on Instagram x 2, Facebook page x 2 and LinkedIn x 2. Along with these platforms, YouTube channel monetisation is a priority this year.

This is all I have to share at this moment on this. See you tomorrow with another article.

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