How to Deal with Marketing Failure or Marketing not working well in 2020

Posted in   Email Marketing, Email Marketing for Small Business, growth hacking, small business, Strategy   on  July 13, 2018 by  Sudha Mani3

To avoid marketing failure Whether you are already an experienced email marketer or you are planning to launch you’re an email marketing campaign; it is essential to keep in mind that email marketing does not always work. Which means that sometimes despite you’ve put out your best efforts, your email marketing campaign will not generate the same degree of success you anticipated in the first place, or it may not be successful at all. I have been in this situation many at times. It is not your fault nor the strategy. There may be many reasons.

Reasons why Marketing Failure

The failure to produce success may have to do with a variety of reasons. Here are some of the possible causes for the marketing failure:

  1. It may be a lack of interest from your target prospects.
  2. The failure to properly execute your email marketing strategy.
  3. Negligence in Planning for an outstanding email marketing campaign.

In this article, we will be discussing a few situations wherein email marketing is ineffective and will offer tips on how to effectively cope when these situations happen to you. Remember, every failure has some learning associated with it.

We are going to start finding out why there’s a lack of interest from target audience members.

Before you start investing in an email marketing campaign, it is wise to give a thought of hiring a consultant to conduct marketing research or get learn how to do market research. If this is impossible, try segmenting your prospective list you are going to use. This research should produce valuable information such as demographics for the target audience and feedback on the probability that target audience members are going to be responsive to email marketing. The last piece of information drawn out of the research should help the business owner to decide whether he or she will push through with email marketing as an advertising option.

If the market research shows signs that the members of your target audience are not going to be interested in purchasing the services or products you offer or consider online research to find the goods or services you provide then investing in an email marketing campaign is not worth your while. The perfect example would be; if you are chippie who sells fish and chips, email marketing may not be the best option.

You may enjoy your success for an individual degree from your marketing endeavour. Nonetheless, it is not going to be compelling enough to be worthy of the time and effort it demands to obtain such an insignificant measure of success.

Another reason for email marketing failure is the inability to execute your marketing plan. Ability to implement the marketing plan is crucial, seeing that in as much as the most brilliantly orchestrated marketing strategy can flounder when you unsuccessfully perform the steps.

For instance, you may have a plan to use e-newsletters as a vital element of your email marketing campaign. On the other hand, if these e-newsletters are not impressive and it looks like an amateur did it. It will falter the response rate.

Another element would be if emails frequently arrive late and do not offer valuable information; readers are not going to gain interest in investing in your products or services based on these e-newsletters. In each aspect of your email marketing campaign, you should strive to provide an informative, accurate and engaging email marketing content for your target audience. This type of copy increases the potential to capture the interest of the readers. Another aspect of these emails which is the most important is the email MUST be mobile responsive as many may see their email on their mobiles. Remember packaging sells.

Stories of Marketing Failure

Last but not least. Inadequate planning could result in an email marketing failure. Remember “Failing to plan for all eventualities is planning to fail.” For example, Build a bear – Pay your Age campaign on 12th July 2018; clients queued with their young ones all over England and Scotland. Due to this situation, the sale was abandoned quoting chaos and safety reasons because the queue was a few miles long and was extending outside the shopping mall.

Read about this failure from here
Read Scotland’s story here

Poor planning can cause a throng of challenges. These can be: potential customers losing interest, gain wrong publicity to ruin your brand, mistrust of your ability and much unwanted negative attention. The confusion arises regarding your products and services, and potential clients are turned into high rates by your email marketing.

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And our another post here

We help small business owners with their email marketing campaigns and email automation. More information here

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