List Building Strategies for 2021

Posted in   List building   on  January 13, 2021 by  Sudha Mani112

We will look at the list building strategies you can use in 2021. Having an email list is like ATM (Automated Teller Machine)  so that you can cash your services. List building is the first step in any business, having said that you have to keep replenishing it all the time.

List building Strategies for Coaches, Consultants and Service Providers

I would suggest following as strategies for coaches, consultants, experts and service providers.

  1. Setup a live masterclass webinar, so people have to register for the master class

This strategy always works. However, you must have good brand visibility and established as an expert to get organic traffic. Another way to get more exposure is that your SEO (search engine optimisation) is done well where your niche is in high demand.  However, many uses paid ads on Facebook and other social media platforms. I have run paid ads and seen the list grow exponentially.

  1. Go for setting up a 3-day or 5-day challenge

This strategy is prevalent because, in the end, people not only know who you are as an expert and get to know your style of coaching. You can set up a challenge and get more people to refer. You can record your coaching and automate it every day. The challengers will consume the content and do their work every day during the challenge duration. On the last day, you can pitch for your product. Because of its interactive-ness challenges have adequate enrolment or registration rates.

  1. Set up mini-video series was explaining a process to help their audience

This strategy is similar to the webinar where you can ask them to register to get video series. I would ask you to keep to a max of 3 videos. You can set it up so that they have to watch video one and then go to video 2.

List building Strategies for Network Marketers

  1. Setup demo videos

Network marketers, do videos it is easy to understand about your products and why you started your business, so on and so forth.

  1. Create tips on using the products they are marketing

Your company will have something like this, find the digital copy, and if people want them, then they can download them. When you have their email address, you can connect with them now and then.

  1. Set up Live Q & A where you are answering questions about your products and company.

List some of the frequently asked questions about your company and answer them in a live video. I know a person who started answering about skin issues teenagers have and then in 6 months she was the top earner in her team.

List building Strategies for Ecommerce Owners

  1. Offer discreet discount popup.

This is one of the best for any e-commerce niche. However, you need to be discreet, and the hook has to be very catchy for them to give their email address.

  1. Offer influencer specific discount.

If you are an e-commerce brand that can hook up with an influencer who compliments your products, then it is one of the best ways to build the list. It is a win-win. For example, if you are selling stationary, then you can hook up with a business coach to promote your products.

  1. Use a business Quiz to give a specific discount

One of my clients is a lifestyle e-commerce business owner; I asked her to create a business quiz to personalise shopping for her audiences. She had three sets of audiences. So, she created three categories and created a list of segments.

  1. Have leaving website popup

This strategy is one of the best; however, you need to discreetly, and the hook has to be catchy.  Try the discount wheel where they spin to get their discount. This is interactive and catchy.

  1. Run contests

One of the popular contests is that they tag their friends who may be interested in your products. The one who tags more of their friends gets a discount or a coupon from your shop.

This is it for today, and I will see you with another blog article tomorrow.

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