How to conquer the Fear of Public Speaking

Posted in   Public Speaking   on  August 2, 2018 by  Sudha Mani3

Many kinds of research have stated that Fear of Public Speaking Supersedes Fear of Death. What makes people dread speaking in public when we can easily hold a conversation and speak about ourselves or the things we love?  Each and every one of us have stories to tell which could enhance others life; when you conquer the fear; you are helping others not just you.  This article will discuss six-6 tips briefly which will help you immensely. I remember vividly once when I spoke in public; I said something which had an entirely different meaning to what I wanted to convey. I was mortified, embarrassed and lost confidence to speak in public. It took me nearly five years to become confident. Now, you can conquer your fear almost instantly if you follow the tips listed in this article. These tips are tried and tested.

6 Tips to Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking


1. Conduct research on your topic. To meet the expectation of the audience, visit or call the key participants and have a chat with them. Get to know what they expect from your presentation, what they want to learn and what do they already know. Then prepare your presentation accordingly so that it benefits them. These sorts of conversations help you learn and understand what your audience expects from you and thus give you the advantage of preparing accordingly beforehand.

2. Prepare well. Don’t write down the whole speech, but a rough outline with the help of the keywords. Then rehearse as much as you can. Be assured that you are able to deliver your speech conversationally without reading the script. Do not memorise it word for word. It will make it sound robotic and dull. Moreover, it makes things complicated. Just in case you forget a point you may keep on stumbling in your speech. So avoid it. Keep practising your speech anywhere and anytime you find it possible.

3. Rehearse well for it. Keep on practising your speech among a group of friends or coworkers and if possible even with your boss. Ask them about their views on your speech and try to improve accordingly. Also, take advantage of this opportunity to get familiar with the room and equipment. This helps you face the audience confidently.

4. Always play a gentle and amiable host. Get friendly with your audience by arriving early at the venue and greeting them beforehand. Some simple gestures such as shaking hands with them and thanking them for coming can help you build up a warm rapport with them. Try to engage them in a straightforward talk with you by introducing yourself and asking them about their well being, etc. Convert strangers into friends and make them feel comfortable.

5. Always expect success. If you expect it, then you will definitely work hard to achieve it too. Fantasize yourself doing an excellent job with perfection. Never scare yourself with nightmares. When you expect yourself to do well, you gain confidence. Remember that everyone expects you to do an excellent job.

6. Get tech in order: If you are using presentation or prop then go ahead to the venue to test it. If technology doesn’t it puts pressure on you and this can bring fear to the surface.

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