90-Day Content Creation Challenge – 2021

Posted in   Content Creation Challenge, Goal Setting, Mindset   on  January 3, 2021 by  Sudha Mani1498

This content creation challenge came about when I was watching Miles Beckler’s 90-day Challenge video on YouTube. He did this challenge 3 year or so years ago.

I like to challenge myself no-one else just self-challenge.  For about 2 years ago, a friend of mine suggested I do 66-Day video challenge. I have to do one video every day and post online. If I miss a day, then I have to start the challenge from the start. This suited me best because when given a challenge my mind kind of go on an ego-trip to prove people that “I can do it”.

So, on 11th June 2019. I started my 66-day Video Challenge. That lead to another, another and another. Now, I am comfortable speaking to that small hole on your phone or the one sitting on top of your computer.

Content Creation Challenge 2021

This challenge came about when I saw a video by Miles Beckler on this channel. He had hosted coupled of challenges to his group. This gave me an idea of creating consistent blog content. So, I ventured.  Creating a blog is not new to me.  I once used to make $450/month thru blogging, but I never kept it up as it was not intentional.  Yes, I am an SEO consultant but never had time or patience to create a blog. When I do, I go thru motion quite well so I thought it should be good and links to one of my intentions as well.

My intention for 90-Day content creation Challenge is to create blog content every day for 90-Days without a break. If possible turn the blog content idea into YouTube videos so that both channels have consistent content and video marketing within content marketing plan would only add more impact for me to increase visibility or brand awareness.

The plan is for the next 12 weeks I will be speaking on various topics within Growth Hacking or Growth Marketing, Digital Marketing and Content Marketing.  The plan is to create articles with 700- 1000 words daily and then creating them as Silo Content at end of the week. So, I decided on the following topics.   Remember, I didn’t have to do any niche content because I have decided I am going to market services my agency offer. I can also recommend tried and test tools as an affiliate marketer. If you want to start then please do get in touch with me. You need to do a few more preparatory steps.

Week 1 – Growth Marketing – As a growth marketer, this seems like a good topic to start with.

Week 2  –  List building Strategies – Any business must have a pipeline of leads to work with when you need them.

Week 3 – Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing – Artificial Intelligence is creeping into marketing as algorithms become inevitable importance in lead generation and visibility

Week 4 – Content Marketing using Blogs, Video and Audio

Week 5 – Search Engine Optimisation or Optimization and Search Engine Marketing.

Week 6 – Content Marketing & Social Media Marketing

Week 7 – Email Marketing, SM marketing and Chatbots

Week 8 – Digital Product Creation

Week 9 – Goal Setting, Mindset and Low hanging fruits of Online Business

Week 10 – Online Branding

Week 11 – Steps in creating Online Signature Programme or Online Course

Week 12 – Creating a Membership Site

Of course, some of the weeks might change as above are only an outline. This is another thing I learnt while doing other challenges since 2018; that is being consistent even when you don’t like to do it on that day.

My primary goal for this content creation challenge is to increase brand visibility. Secondly, kick start the search engine for me. I have been dragging my feet for a while; I want to test whether I can make money blogging and write a book. This will be a great practice.

If you are keen on starting one such content creation challenge for blog or YouTube or Social Media then you need to learn about SEO (search engine optimisation) thru keyword research and want to know more about keyword research then here is a video on youtube SEO. I  talk about keyword research; my process is the same but the tools I use are different.  The tools will be in the video description.

You can download my SEO ebook here. This can help you create conversion-focused content for website or blog article.

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