8 Different Uses of Infographics

Posted in   Content Marketing, Infographics   on  July 18, 2018 by  Sudha Mani3

A well-designed infographic is easy to understand at a glance and helps to retain data much longer than a traditional report. The ultimate goal of creating an infographic is to give the consumer a way to digest critical information quickly at a glance with less confusion. Because of the pictorial representation of complicated information, infographics have gained popularity, and now many businesses are trying to produce infographics.

If you have vital information to impart, you can use an infographic to show it. Let us look at eight different uses of infographics.

1. Explain a Difficult Concept: Some information is just complicated to understand when reading without a graphic demonstration. However, when pictured, the mind perceives it, and the reader can move on to grasp more of what you are trying to tell them.

2. Visualise Data-Rich Information: Anytime you have lots of numbers or statistical or technical data, of the best way to display them is with images in an infographic format. For instance, you can use an infographic to show in a graphic formula that students would use often. Alternatively, you can pull data from a report to prove it visually.

3. Educate and Informs on a Topic: Whether it is cooking or woodworking, a great way to educate and inform anyone on a topic is to include an infographic. When your audience pictures the information, they will be retaining the information for longer.

4. Build Brand Awareness: An infographic can be leveraged to increase brand awareness without being boastful. You can present the brand timeline through an infographic instead of writing a chronological article which could be information intensive and boring, but with an infographic, it will be easy to understand with a glance. You can create an infographic using your sales data or increase in customer numbers or increase in profits over the year or years. You can excitingly present your customer testimonials through an infographic.

5. Provide Inbound Links: When you create shareable infographics correctly, they’ll provide inbound links to your website. The inbound link from authority websites is hugely advantageous to get your google rankings. You get free traffic from authority sites, and you can increase your brand awareness, lead generation and even customers through them. Quality infographic creation to get more inbound link can be one of your backlink acquiring strategy. These types of relationships are used to help attract more audience members from the people who shared it with their audience.

6. A Terrific Recruiting Tool: Need to fill a vacancy? Instead of a boring information-filled job ad, why not create a viral infographic that will be shared far and wide, which describes the perfect person for your position so you can find just the right candidate.

7. To Present Survey Data: The results of a survey could be very confusing and cumbersome to understand; when you create the infographic with the data or results from the study, will be a hit. Many of us are visual persons, and we love pictures. That’s how we learnt when we were young. When you tell a pictorial story with the data, then the information has more reach with your clients and the audience whom you are presenting so that they can come to conclusions quickly and make decisions sooner. When you present using pictures, the information will be retained for longer, and you can save your follow up time.

8. Create How-To Information: I don’t know about you, how to information is hardest to digest. The companies spend money and time to create the instruction manual; which are very dry. Many ignore reading these manuals and start doing on trial and error basis. This tactic creates many support calls to the support team. If the companies spend the same amount and create quality how-to manuals as an infographic, then they can reduce the support cost. Infographics could be used to teach any information to your audience. You can present any information through the infographic, from woodworking tutorials, homemade eco-products, how to create home-made green products, or how to make drinks. Your imagination is the limit.

Since infographics are about 30 times more likely to be read and looked at by your audience over text articles, it makes sense to include them as part of your content strategy. Don’t replace data-centric articles with just infographics; instead, leverage infographic as an additional appendix to present a way to digest the vital information so that you can increase understanding, engage, and demonstrate difficult concepts.

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