7 Major Threats to WordPress Website Security

Posted in   Wordpress Website, small business, Website Security   on  February 23, 2022 by  Sudha Mani68

WordPress website security is critical to your business; if you opt for the most commonly used CMS globally. I clean hacked websites. I love to get hands-on with those dirty websites and clean them. At the same time, I feel bad for the website owners. They are well-intended people who want to make money to attain that freedom but overlook safety. Thinking it will not happen to us.

I also recommend WordPress as CMS to create websites. It is simple, quick and easy to maintain. However, about a third of all websites attacks happen on WordPress websites.

WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) globally and a prime target for hackers. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure your WordPress site is secure.

This post will discuss the importance of website security and seven threats you must be aware of as website owners or managers.

Why is it essential to make your WordPress website Security a priority?

My question has always been, “Would you leave your shop or office without any security?”. If you have answered “Heck, NO”, why would you do that to your website? Your website is the shop on the high-street called World Wide Web or Internet.


Your website is an asset in your business, just like machinery, computers, inventory, or other assets. Many website owners don’t see it even consider a website investment.


Because they consider the website as an asset, their mindset is different. Let us get the cheapest provider, free plugins, free themes, anything free. I am not saying don’t go for free but make an informed decision based on risks.


A well maintained and managed website makes and saves money. Remember, making a mess is easy; cleaning up is expensive and challenging. Additionally, a hacked website is hard to rank on google to get free organic traffic.

Seven significant threats when it comes to website security

Now, let us see what the major threats to website security are

  1. As it is the most popular CMS used by big media giants, the WordPress website is a prime target for hackers.

Immediately, my clients start panicking, thinking about what can they do. We don’t stop driving because many people die of road accidents, right? We know the risks, and we can mitigate them. It is like, the known devil is many times better than an unknown angel.

  1. Hosting provider and website security

One of the criteria I look for when choosing my hosting provider is Security. The hosting providers mustn’t be very strict about their Security, so their servers are not compromised and become vulnerable to hacking. So, choose your hosting provider carefully.

  1. WordPress has a built-in firewall.

I must say WordPress have an excellent built-in firewall. However, you must also install reliable paid plugins to secure your website further.

  1. Rouge plugins and themes

95% of website hacks are due to lack of maintenance or thru rouge plugins or themes. The hackers update the files with malicious code such as form hijack, search box etc., to get entry to the database. It is the easiest way to infiltrate into the backend.

The outdated plugins or themes or the developer of the plugin or theme no longer supporting the plugin or theme are the easy target for the hackers to access backend WordPress files. So, never install plugins from unauthorized sources or, when installing from the repository, check the date of update and downloads before installing on your website. That is why I recommend installing premium paid plugins where appropriate and critical.

  1. Lack Website Maintenance

Another major mistake website owners make setting up the website and expecting nothing to happen, or WordPress will automatically update the plugins. They don’t want to pay for the maintenance every month.

If you are that person, learn how to maintain your website to update yourself. I recommended that you Login at least once a week to check if everything is in order. My humble suggestion is to do it every day. Remember your website is your office or home, so maintain regularly.

  1. Sharing Website Credentials

The website owners or managers give admin access to individuals to troubleshoot or solve a problem. Once the problem is solved, you must remember to revoke admin privileges. Many don’t do that. I always chase my ex-clients to revoke my privileges after working with them. Always review the users and revoke their access promptly.

  1. Not having a Security plugin

According to the Wordfence website hacking statistics, WordPress is the most used content management system (CMS) globally and is a prime target for hackers. A third of all website attacks occur on WordPress websites. That’s why you must secure your website. WordFence is the security plugin I use and set up first on any sites I build or design. Therefore, I tell my clients they must get this plugin installed and set up correctly. There are other security plugins as well.

In this article, I have shared seven threats to your website Security. I hope you find this helpful. I will share 11 things you must adopt to make your website secure tomorrow.

Remember your website is your shop on the Internet. You must take care of your website against hackers and rank higher on Google because the Security of your website is one of the ranking signals.

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